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When you prep and plant your fields, time and the elements aren’t always on your side. Tight operating windows and tough field conditions can put the best laid plans to the test. Get ready for the season — and give your productivity a boost — with parts, accessories and service kits from CNH Industrial.

All Things Planting

Every planting season presents new challenges. Genuine CNH Industrial parts help you stay on schedule and achieve higher yields with greater efficiency. How do we do it? Through smart engineering grounded in the latest agronomic research, plus a lot of helpful input from our customers. Browse our comprehensive selection of parts for planters, air drills, air seeders, air carts and more.

Disk Blades

Disc blades are critical parts that undergo heavy wear, putting your productivity at risk if they can’t stand up to the challenge. But with more choices than ever, finding the right blades for your application has never been easier — if you know where to look. With disk blades from CNH Industrial, you’ll take on crop residue and dirt clogs with ease. Find a perfect match at CNH Industrial.

Coulters & Coulter Parts

Disc coulters are important tools for soil management, especially in fields with heavy residue. But in order to get the most from your coulters, it’s not enough to pick just any brand. Coulters from CNH Industrial feature premium design and materials for lasting strength and sharpness. For a uniform seedbed and successful, even emergence, count on genuine CNH Industrial coulters.

Tiger Points

Don’t let soil compaction bring down your yield. The unique lift, twist and roll action of Tiger Points breaks up hard, compacted soil, bringing nutrients back to the top four inches and improving the flow of moisture throughout the layers. Maximize soil tilth and yield potential with Tiger Points from CNH Industrial.

Plow Shares & Other Plow Parts

There’s no getting around it: Your plows will need replacement parts throughout their service lives — and the more you plow, the more they’ll need. At CNH Industrial, you’ll find an exhaustive selection of parts for your plows, from individual bolts and springs to complete assemblies. Take on the season with replacement parts and kits from CNH Industrial.

Everything Else Tillage

Optimal soil management is a moving target — and not just because of variable weather conditions. Soil health, weed composition and other factors differ significantly from place to place. But whether you practice conventional tillage, no-till or something in between, we offer everything you need to repair, maintain and improve your equipment. To ensure a productive season, and keep your equipment in top condition, shop now at CNH Industrial.