19968 Results



Harvesting is a critical part of your business. From ready-to-install kits with the latest components to handy card packs for small repairs, our complete range of parts includes everything you need to upgrade and maintain your equipment, boost productivity and prevent costly breakdowns. Successful harvests depend on more than just sound planning. You need reliable parts built to meet the unique challenges of every crop. See what makes CNH Industrial a leader in innovative harvesting.

Combine Kits and Parts

No machine is more important for your harvest than your combine. Genuine OEM parts from CNH Industrial ensure compatibility and performance, while saving you all the hassles and compromises of mere "will-fits." And thanks to feedback from our customers, dealers and industry experts, we expand and refresh our selection all the time. Get the best fit for your combine backed by the highest quality engineering.

Header Kits and Parts

Next to combines, headers are your most important equipment during harvest. What you put into them goes a long way toward determining the productivity and efficiency of your operation - how much you harvest of what you grow. For less downtime and more harvest time, count on CNH Industrial parts for your corn headers, grain headers, pick-up headers and more.

Moisture Testers

Moisture has a profound effect on the quality of your grain, hay and silage. Don't leave moisture management to chance. Conduct regular testing throughout the season and beyond with our easy-to-use moisture testers and accessories, including an assortment of probes and samplers. Enjoy quick and accurate results in the field, bin and barn.

Cotton Harvesting from Case IH

As designer and manufacturer of the first mechanical cotton picker in 1943, Case IH helped revolutionize the cotton industry. Today, Case IH Module Express™ cotton pickers continue to lead the industry with a reputation for economy and efficiency, delivering high yields in less time and at lower cost. Simple to harvest, simple to gin, simple to maintain. Keep your machine at peak performance with Case IH parts.

Sugarcane Harvesting from Case IH

From Africa to the Middle East and from the Americas to Australia, CNH Industrial has decades of experience with all types of sugarcane harvesting. We know it isn't easy. Tough ground conditions, heavy yields and demanding markets put your equipment to the test - all season, every season. Protect your investment with Case IHl parts.

Grape Harvesting from New Holland Agriculture

Since 1975, New Holland's BRAUD grape harvesters have delivered the best harvest quality and productivity at some of the world's finest vineyards. For new and old models alike, find all the parts you need here. You can raise a toast to us later.